University of St Andrews

11th-14th June 2018

A list of all titles and abstracts can be downloaded here.

Plenary Speakers

Laura DeMarco: Complex dynamics and arithmetic equidistribution

Irit Dinur: Unique games is 1/2-hard

Martin Hairer: Bridging Scales

Nalini Joshi: Symmetry through Geometry

Paul Seymour: Progress on some induced subgraph conjectures

Marcelo Viana: Products of random matrices

Public Lecture

Julia Wolf: Using randomness to find structure

Morning Speakers

Jonathan Bennett: Induction on scales

Clifford Cocks: The Discovery of Public Key Cryptography

David Conlon: How to build a hypergraph expander

Charles Eaton: Classifying blocks of finite groups

Mike Fellows: The Multivariate Revolution in Algorithmics

Victoria Gould: Biordered sets of idempotents

Holly Krieger: Unlikely intersections in complex dynamics

Marta Mazzocco: The geometry behind the q-Askey scheme

Ian Morris: Towards the construction of high-dimensional measures on self-affine sets

Daniel Kral: Analytic representations of large discrete structures

Simon Smith: Infinite permutation groups

Hendrik Weber: The stochastic quantisation equation - scaling limits, meta-stability and the role of infinity