University of St Andrews

11th-14th June 2018


Organised by Ben Martin (Aberdeen)

Analysis and Probability

Organised by Hiro Oh and Jim Wright (Edinburgh)

  • Tony Carbery (Edinburgh)
    A multilinear Maurey factorisation theorem
  • Justin Forlano (Heriot-Watt)
    Almost sure global well-posedness for the BBM equation with infinite L2 initial data
  • Máté Gerencsér (IST Austria)
    Quasilinear singular SPDEs within regularity structures
  • Xue-Mei Li (Imperial)
    Conservation law, stochastic averaging, and intrinsic geometry
  • Diogo Oliveira e Silva (Birmingham)
    Sharp Strichartz inequalities for fractional and higher order Schrödinger equations
  • Oana Pocovnicu (Heriot-Watt)
    Long time regularity of the 2D Euler-Poisson system for electrons with vorticity
  • Vedran Sohinger (Warwick)
    Gibbs measures of nonlinear Schrödinger equations as limits of many-body quantum states in dimension d ≤ 3
  • Pavlos Tsatsoulis (Warwick)
    On the long time behavior of the dynamic Φ24


Organised by Sergey Kitaev (Strathclyde)

  • Jessica Enright (Edinburgh)
    Changing times in temporal graphs to limit disease spread
  • Ji-Hwan Jung (Sungkyunkwan University)
    Oriented Riordan graphs
  • Kitty Meeks (Glasgow)
    Exploiting structure in multi-layer networks: a case study on motif counting
  • Arseny Shur (Ural Federal University)
    Subword complexity and power avoidance
  • Jason Smith (Strathclyde)
    The Poset of Graphs
  • Katherine Staden (Oxford)
    Stability via symmetrisation
  • Arthur L.B. Yang (Nankai University)
    Compatibility of generalized Eulerian polynomials
  • Viktor Zamaraev (Durham)
    On the factorial classes of bipartite graphs


Organised by Jonathan Fraser (St Andrews)

  • Jonas Azzam (Edinburgh)
    Wasserstein distance and rectifiability of measures
  • Simon Baker (Warwick)
    Digit frequencies and expansions in non-integer bases
  • Jairo Bochi (PUC de Chile)
    Optimization of Lyapunov exponents
  • Natalia Jurga (Surrey)
    A dimension gap for Bernoulli measures for the Gauss map
  • Tom Kempton (Manchester)
    On the Hausdorff dimension of Bernoulli convolutions
  • Phil Rippon (Open University)
    Slow escaping points of transcendental entire functions
  • James Robinson (Warwick)
    Minimal periods in Lipschitz ODEs
  • Gwyneth Stallard (Open University)
    Fast escaping points of transcendental entire functions

History of Mathematics

Organised by Isobel Falconer (St Andrews)

  • Rosemary Bailey (St Andrews)
    Latin squares: Some history, with an emphasis on their use in designed experiments.
  • Tony Mann (Greenwich)
    Mathematics instructors at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich
  • Ursula Martin (Oxford)
    The rise of modern patronage, the social, and the impact of mathematics
  • Amirouche Moktefi (Tallinn University of Technology)
    Playing by the rules: Venn versus Carroll
  • Edmund Robertson (St Andrews)
    Mary Everest Boole: the first mathematical psychologist
  • Brigitte Stenhouse (Open University)
    Embracing Nature in Formulae: The Hidden Mathematics of Mary Somerville
  • Kevin Tracey (Swansea and Science Museum)
    Calculating Value: Reading the Scribal Technologies of Early Modern Mathematics
  • Jane Wess (Edinburgh)
    Maths and Maps: A comparison of Mathematical Theory and Cartographic Practice