Welcome to the Functional Analysis (MT4515) course webpage.
Most of the information on this course, tutorial sheets etc.,
can be downloaded from MySaint.
The official description of this course is here.
Lectures: Tue, Thur, Even Mon 12pm-1pm (Tue, Thur lectures in 1A, Mon lectures in Theatre B)
Tutorials: Thursday 2pm-3pm Theatre A
Contact Information
Lecturers: Mike Todd (Module Coordinator) and Spyridon Dimoudis
Office: 320, Mathematical Institute
Email: m.todd -at- st-andrews.ac.uk
Course webpage: https://mtoddm.github.io/MT4515.html
Tutorial Questions
There will be tutorial questions assigned every week.
These are not assessed, but if you would like feedback you can upload your work for that week
by Wednesday at 10am, starting in week 2.
In line with University policy, and technology permitting, recordings of lectures and tutorials will be made available.
Topics covered
Bounded linear operators on normed spaces.
The operator norm.
Finite dimensional spaces.
Spaces of continuous functions.
Banach spaces.
Inner product spaces and Hilbert spaces.
The spectrum of a bounded linear operator.
Compact operators.
The spectral theorem for compact self-adjoint operators.
100% by two hour examination
Rynne, B.P. & Youngson, M.A., Linear Functional Analysis, Springer, 2nd Ed 2007.
Young, N., An Introduction to Hilbert Space, Cambridge University Press, 1988.
Griffel, D.H., Applied Functional Analysis, Dover, 2nd Ed 2002.
Bollobas, B, Linear Analysis: An Introductory Course, Cambridge University Press, 2nd Ed 1999.