Recurrence, mixing and fluctuations: statistics of dynamical systems, 10th-13th June 2015

This meeting will be held in conjunction with the AMS-EMS-SPM International Meeting in Porto. The schedule is here. The official schedule for that whole meeting is here. Our session is number 50 (note that Henk Bruin and Sandro Vaienti's talks have recently been swapped - so finally Henk will speak on the Wednesday and Sandro on the Saturday).

Main speakers

  • Romain Aimino (Rome - Tor Vergata)
  • Henk Bruin (Vienna)
  • Jean-René Chazottes (Ecole Polytechnique)
  • Vaughn Climenhaga (Houston)
  • Neil Dobbs (Geneva)
  • Pedro Duarte (Lisbon)
  • Mark Holland (Exeter)
  • Thomas Jordan (Bristol)
  • João Lopes Dias (Lisbon)
  • Ian Melbourne (Warwick)
  • Matthew Nicol (Houston)
  • Mark Pollicott (Warwick)
  • Christian Rodrigues (Max-Planck)
  • Dan Thompson (Ohio State)
  • Sandro Vaienti (Marseille/Luminy)
  • Paulo Varandas (UFBA)



  • Ana Cristina Freitas (Porto)
  • Jorge Freitas (Porto)
  • Mike Todd (St Andrews)

  • The organisers gratefully acknowledge FCT for funding part of this meeting as well as the Centre for Mathematics at the University of Porto (CMUP) and the FCT programme FACC.

