PhD Opportunities
Meetings organised
Brief history:
I am a professor in pure maths at St Andrews, where I've worked since 2011
(I'm also the current Deputy Head of maths and stats).
Before that I held positions in Boston,
Porto and Surrey,
following my PhD in Warwick.
I'm an associate member of the Centre for Mathematics at the University of Porto (CMUP). I'm also an organiser of
the Scottish Dynamics Network.
Proc EMS:
I am an editor for the Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society.
To submit a paper to that, follow the instructions here.
I am an editor at the London Mathematical Society (LMS) Bulletin
and Journal. See instructions on the webpages there for information on submission.
Research Interests:
- Recurrence: Extreme value theory, hitting time statistics, cover times
- Open systems: statistical properties of dynamical systems with holes
- Thermodynamic formalism: existence and uniqueness of equilibrium states for dynamical systems, phase transitions and transience
- Slow mixing: statistical laws for dynamical systems with significant lack of uniform expansion
- Statistical stability: convergence of measures in non-uniformly hyperbolic systems