PhD Opportunities
Meetings organised
Brief history:
I am a professor in pure maths at St Andrews, where I've worked since 2011
(I'm also the current Deputy Head of maths and stats).
Before that I held positions in Boston,
Porto and Surrey,
following my PhD in Warwick.
I'm also an associate member of the Centre for Mathematics at the University of Porto (CMUP).
Proc EMS:
I am an editor for the Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society.
To submit a paper to that, follow the instructions here.
I am an editor at the London Mathematical Society (LMS) Bulletin
and Journal. See instructions on the webpages there for information on submission.
Research Interests:
- Recurrence: Extreme value theory, hitting time statistics, cover times
- Open systems: statistical properties of dynamical systems with holes
- Thermodynamic formalism: existence and uniqueness of equilibrium states for dynamical systems, phase transitions and transience
- Slow mixing: statistical laws for dynamical systems with significant lack of uniform expansion
- Statistical stability: convergence of measures in non-uniformly hyperbolic systems